Here’s proof that I’ve lost it, I mean relaxed!! Many of you know that I’ve been really picky about what my kids eat. Yes, I’ve been relaxing over the years. But this year’s Norseman Days was sort of a culmination as it were. (Maybe I’m being over-dramatic??) The boys had some money to spend and the first thing they bought? Whoopie pies. I really didn’t mind, but I knew they also had their hearts set on cotton candy. (They’ve never had the stuff before.) So, they had both in the space of an hour or so. Then we had burgers and fries for supper. Boy, have I arrived or what! :-) Oh, and I let Josiah have a sucker too.
Anyway, we had fun at Norseman Days. It really only takes me about 30 minutes to be done if it’s hot – which it was – but the boys had fun. We were going to go back on Sunday afternoon but we were too tired, hot, and lazy. Keith worked a night shift at the ambulance on Sat. so he couldn’t watch the fireworks with us. We discovered last year that we can see them pretty well from the patio. So I put the boys to bed a bit early, putzed around and then made hot chocolate. I woke them up when the fun started – with great difficulty. Caleb ended up being too scared to stay out and watch them. He laid on my bed and watched through the window. I think if Keith had been there to hold him he would’ve watched – but I can only hold one kid at a time! Amazingly, they were very good fireworks for our little village!
Did I mention that I’m in charge of VBS this year? It’s been quite an, um, adventure! I’ve been blessed by all the people that are willing to help. So, tonight was our first night. It went really well, except that there were only 18 kids there. That was really disappointing. Now I’m asking all of you to PRAY for more kids. We’ve advertised a lot so the word is out there, everyone just needs motivation and to remember about it. Please join us in praying!
I’m reading “Hind’s Feet On High Places” right now. What a good book! I can’t believe I haven’t read it before!! I feel like the author must know me and my heart. In case you haven’t read it, it’s an allegory about Much-Afraid and her journey from the Valley of Humiliation to the High Places and the Kingdom of Love. Part of the reason I can relate so well is because fear is one of the major strongholds that God has been freeing me from. I really recommend the book!!
The other day I got really fed up (no pun intended!) with the way I eat. I’ve known for a long time that chronic over-eating is a big problem for me. But it’s always something I’ll deal with “next time” – which never comes! And it’s pretty much a given that if you chronically over-eat, you will be chronically over-weight. Sigh. That’s me! So, the other day I decided to see how many days I can go without over-eating. I’m not sure what to think about tonight. I wasn’t really hungry at snack time at VBS but I munched anyway. I didn’t feel over-full afterwards and now I feel hungry… Anyway, if I don’t count that, I think I can say it’s been three days now, with just a few questionable times in there. Maybe I should say no over-eating and no eating when I don’t feel hungry. I don’t know if you want to hear about any of this, but I need to say it. Let’s just pretend this is Over-Eaters Anonymous. “Hello, my name is Jenni and I’m an Over-Eater.” But, by the grace of God – and ONLY by His grace, that is going to change!
Okay, that’s enough for now! It’s time to head for bed. It’s another hot night. And Josiah is working on his eyeteeth and was awake a bunch last night. I hope he sleeps better tonight!! Night-night!