I hope it doesn't though. Well, the silence is finally over and I hope it doesn't take me that long to blog again! Life really has been insane in some ways, but I know that's probably true for most of us. Anyway, I'm now officially ignoring the laundry, dirty entry-way, the large stack of papers to go through, various messy corners, and numerous desk/computer tasks.
Keith is working his second night shift in a row at the ambulance. So there's no one here to tell me to go to bed. But I'll try not to stay up too late!
Where in the world do I start?? I really wanted to write about Easter, but that was so long ago, it seems really stale now. I'll just say that I really love to celebrate Easter. My favorite things this Easter were the two joint-church services we had: Good Friday at the Pentecostal Church and Sunday Evening Music Celebration at our church. It's just so good to worship together and celebrate what Jesus has done for us. What an awesome Saviour we have! Our church was decorated on Easter with candelabras and Easter lilies. Someone said to me, "It looks really nice. Are we having a wedding today?" I replied, "Yes!" Then later I thought, "No, not a wedding, but a rehearsal!" Isn't that what our gatherings are? Practicing for the marriage feast of the Lamb? Makes me excited about Heaven!!
Keith and I have just come through an especially busy time. I guess that's why it's been so long since I've posted. Two weeks after Easter (if my memory is working, which it might not be...) we had a 5-day seminar at our church. Merv
Tuplin was the speaker and the theme was "Biblical Solutions for Damaged Hearts". He's a counsellor that does the type of counselling that is done by John
Regier. So, he did a bunch of teaching in the evenings and then he and two other counsellors that came for the week had counselling sessions with people during the day-time. It was and incredibly intense week but so good. God answered our prayers in many ways. As the week went on, I realized I had so many fears and worries about the week: "no one will come", "there won't be enough for the counsellors to do", "the week will be a bust", etc., etc. I'm seeing how I was so bound by the lie that we can't accomplish anything good. Well, I guess that's true in a way, because only God can really make things happen. But He does choose to use us to make the phone calls and write the emails, etc. So, when the first night came and there were about 75 people there, I was floored. I didn't expect nearly that many! There were a lot of people from other churches as well, and that was good to see too. It was a really good week and I know lots of people were blessed and impacted.
On the Sat. after the seminar, Merv did a one-day training seminar for counselling training. That day one of the ladies was telling me about the deep healing God did for her in the counselling sessions. I listened with tears in my eyes and realized it was worth all the work, effort, and tiredness. Our deep desire is to see people (ourselves included) be free from the pain and sins that tie us down and be free to give and receive love - both with God and other people. We want to be free to be the people that God intended us to be when He created us! It's been so wonderful to hear of people making big and little steps in that direction. Thank you, Jesus!!
The weekend after the seminar (this past weekend) we took off and headed to Landmark, MB for a weekend conference at the Landmark Christian Fellowship. It was a wonderful time of teaching, worship, meeting new people, hanging out with some old friends, eating, etc. We were privileged to hear Wayne
Shenk from BC speak three times. God is using him in amazing ways. It was very challenging and refreshing!
Now, I'm trying to get back on my feet and get this house and myself in order a little bit. Today I finally started thinking through our daily routines again. We've been sorta short on routine around here since Hannah was born. Now it's time to change that at least a little bit. And, in less than a month, Hannah and I and our friend Rita N. are making a trip down to IN to help my little sister plan her wedding. What fun! We got a good deal on plane tickets so we don't have to drive the whole way down there.
Yay!! Life doesn't seem likely to slow down much for a good while!
Okay, it's getting really late and I need to hit the sack! Part of my new resolve to have better routines is to get up earlier! So, I'm off to feed Hannah again, and then to bed, and I'll try to write more before too long.