Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Misc. Pictures

Pictures I Meant to Post Weeks Ago

1 & 2 - Keith, shorn and shaven! I'm so glad he grew it back!

3 - The truckload of stuff we took to the second-hand store and Wendy. That felt good! I hope no one sees anything in the picture that they gave me. :-)

4&5 - Iris and me carrying on our crazy sweet tradition of making Christmas candy. Isn't an apron flattering on a largely pregnant woman?!?

I'm Free!!

My sister says I'm anal. I say I'm obsessive compulsive. Sadly, we're both right. I usually tell myself that as long as it doesn't put pressure on other people, it's okay. Well, last night it got the best of me. I love traditions, and I decided long ago that I would make the same birthday cake for the boys for the same number birthday. Make sense? So, when Caleb turned one, he had a sheet cake with balloons on it. So have all the others. And that started because I'm not that great at decorating cakes and I can do balloons in cool colors! So, for Caleb's second birthday, we upped it a notch and he had a puppy cake made in a shaped pan. This involves 3 - 5 colors of icing, 100,000 drop flowers, and some training and experience. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure that my sister (who has much more training and experience than I in decorating cakes!!) made that cake. I think I fumbled through making one for Logan and it was okay. Now it's Josiah's turn. (He's two today!!) So last night I dutifully mixed up a yummy carrot cake and baked it in the puppy pan - while sort of dreading the decorating part. Alas, I forgot to flour the pan, and the durn thing stuck like crazy. Ruined. At 10:00. That's when it hit me. I don't have to do this!! Just because I've always done it, doesn't mean I can't quit! Oh bliss! So now there's another carrot cake in the oven. It will also be a puppy, but the easy kind where you cut it into pieces, arrange them, ice them, and make eyes, etc out of candy. Much easier! Much more within my realm of possibilities today!! Oh, and the ruined cake... It tastes really good! :-)

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another Christmas Come and Gone

I was just going to post a bazillion pictures to make Rhonda happy, but the PC is not cooperating. :-( So, I'll just type a bit here and see what comes out. Then I'll go to bed like I should have a half hour ago!!

I feel like I"ve been living in a bit of a whirlwind around here. I have to admit that, even though Christmas was really fun, I'm glad it's over for this year. I guess it's because I'm pregnant and don't have the energy I usually do, and that I'm trying to home-school as well. Anyway, there were lots of things that just didn't get done this year and I did learn to be okay with that. Really! Like that fact that there was a pile of clean laundry on my bedroom floor all through the holidays, and it just got folded today. For the last few days, I've been sleeping lots and slowly working my way through the house (with the help of Keith and the boys!) restoring order from chaos. And it feels good! I don't know when I'll tackle taking down all the decorations. I'm not ready for that yet, and we have to have a birthday party for the little guy first...

So, here's a run-down of our Christmas activities, and I'll try to be brief. (hahahahaha) Last week I finally gave in and admitted that I couldn't get ready for Christmas and still do school, so we abbreviated it for a few days, and then scrapped it totally. My out-of-town family arrived Friday evening/early Sat. morning (except for the Malagasies, whom we missed!!) We all just met at Jeff and Wendy's this year and it went really well. We really did have a fun time. Talked, laughed, ate (duh!), played games, slept, etc. On Sat. night we had a catered Christmas meal at the Rec. Centre then went bowling and swimming - all under one roof. Pretty cool. I opted out of the bowling, but did go swimming. Some people stayed at Jeff's overnight, but I wanted my own bed! :-) Logan stayed over there with his best friend, Alabama. We had fun getting to know Rachel's boyfriend, Dave. I hope we didn't scare him off too much! Also, Alicia's boyfriend, Aaron was there. How can I be old enough to have a niece seriously dating?? When I stop and think, I realize I am old enough to be her mother... Oh well! Sunday after lunch we opened presents. That was fun, of course. We had exchanged names, and we supposed to spend $5 - $10. It's amazing what you can come up with for that price! One sad thing was that Dad ended up having to be on-call for the snow-plow and it snowed a pile. So he worked Friday night and part of Sat. night and didn't get to be there as much as we wished. By Sunday night I was pretty much toast, but it was a fun time.

Monday I don't remember much about except a bit of cooking, and preparing for the evening. We once again we pretty involved in the Christmas Eve service so that was a bit stressful until it was over. But, I think it was a really good evening - one of my favorite parts of Christmas!! One really neat thing was a video of Matthew and Rhonda talking and Derek put video and pictures with it. They talked about God's grace in their lives. It was so neat to hear their voices and see the pics of them and the girls. And the girls sang "Angels We Have Heard On High" at the end. Makes me excited for next Christmas when they can be here!!

Our dear friend, Debby R. came Christmas eve and spent three nights here! Rachel and Dave were here too. So, we had lots of fun. After the service on Christmas eve, we ate a bunch of food and then watched a movie, "Scrooge" that Dave's family always watches on Christmas Eve. We let the boys stay up as late as they wanted. Caleb went to bed at 12:30 or so and Logan stayed up until the end of the movie - about 1:00!! The only good thing about all the late nights is that the kids slept in so we could too!!

Christmas morning we were pretty slow to get moving! Keith and I made our "traditional" gut-buster brunch of pancakes, eggs, sausague, etc Debby brought a cinnamon roll wreath so we put candles in that and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. And we also lit the Christ candle in the Advent wreath. After brunch we finally got around to opening presents. It was a little chaotic and took a long time. Dad and Dru stopped in around 12:00 and we still weren't done. I didn't get very good pictures this year. I was too tired and out of it, I suppose. But I'll post some when the computer decides that I may! Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty laid back. Some went for walks, Josiah and I had naps, we made a fairly simple dinner - sweet and sour chicken, etc. Our friend, Bobbi and her Dad joined us for that. After the kids were in bed, Debby taught us how to play Battleship on paper. That was fun! Of course, we got to bed late again!

On Boxing Day we headed for Grandpa and Grandma Grabers. That was another laid back day - big breakfast, opened some presents (Caleb got a Swiss-Army knife and life will never be the same again!), crotcheted, slept, went with Rachel and Dave over to see our house where we grew up, Debby joined us for dinner (prime rib roast!), made home-made ice cream, went home and crashed!! :-)

Since then, we've been slowly recovering. :-) On Thursday I told the boys we'd do something fun (play a game, read, etc) and then clean up a room, then repeat. It worked pretty well. Yesterday we did some more of that. The house is starting to look normal again, and that MOUNTAIN of laundry is folded, at least - but not all put away. This morning Keith took the two oldest with him to get a load of firewood and I managed to get Josiah's hair cut while they were gone. I don't know how my parents ever did that without movies to distract their kids!!! This afternoon Caleb went to a birthday party for his friend Taylor. They went sliding and, unfortunately, his face connected with another kid's face. I had to go get him because he was crying and crying. He said he doesn't remember what happened, so I guess that means it was a pretty hard hit. :-( He has a big fat lip and one side of his nose and eye is swollen. Keith is predicting a doozy of a black eye. I feel bad for him, and for me because I really was hoping to get someone to take family pictures of us this weekend. I guess I have to leave the tree up until Caleb looks normal again. :-)

Okay, this is geting really long (surprise!) but I really have to list a few blessings from the past few weeks.

* Remember me complaining about my back hurting?? It was pretty bad at times and really was affecting my life! I was praying about it and was trying to slow down and rest more. Then we went to a Christmas party at the home of some friends. She "happens" to be a physio-therapist. She and I were chatting and I asked her if she treats pregnant women with lower back pain. Before I knew it, she took me in the bedroom, gave me a treatment, and showed me a simple exercise/stretch to do whenever it hurts. My back improved dramatically over the next few days, and it's been feeling great ever since! Yesterday was the first I've done the exercise in awhile! And I can walk on the treadmill without pain. Thank you, Lord (and Deanna!!)

* Awhile ago, some friends gave us some boxes of apples. We've been eating them, but not fast enough keep them from spoiling. I really wanted to slice and freeze them, but it just wasn't happening. I had borrowed my Mother-in-law's apple peeler/corer/slicer, but hadn't done anything with it yet. Keith picked it up today and started slicing apples and he and the boys had a blast doing all of them!! Here's a hint ladies: If you need your hubby to help with something, have a cool tool on hand that will do the job!!

* I'm not a big jewelry person, but I do usually wear a necklace. Usually the same one for about 6 months at a time. :-) Well, one of my two pendants that I usually wear lost the stone, and I was actually wishing for a new pendant for Christmas. But I didn't get one. (Yes, I know this isn't really a big crisis! But God cares about the little things too.) So, yesterday I got a box in the mail from two dear friends who forgot that my last birthday was a "big one". I guess they felt a little badly about that. :-) Anyway, they gave me a beautiful pendant from Greece. (They were there on holidays this summer and so they ordered one for me from Thessolonika!) How cool is that!?! Maybe I can post of picture of it soon. Thanks, Brenda and Karla!!

It really is time for bed! Since tomorrow is Sunday and I'm leading worship, I really can't sleep in like I've been doing! So, more later, and hopefully a bunch of pictures soon!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Recent Adventures

* On Monday, Grandma Graber came over and helped us make Christmas cookies. We made four kinds, and I think it was that day or the next that I heard from God about not over-doing it. :-) I just can't be on my feet all day like that anymore! But the cookies were very yummy and I was so thankful for Grandma helping us! The boys had great fun with the cut-outs - and I forgot to take pictures.

* A couple weeks ago, Keith shaved his goatee. He didn't even ask me! :-) It was quite shocking to say the least. I don't think he's been without facial hair since before we were marrried. Anyway, it didn't take much at all to convince him to grow it back. It's almost back to normal already. But, I must say, there's something quite nice about kissing a smooth-shaven man! I guess that's the first time I experienced that! :-)

* Keith started training Josiah to sleep with the boys in their room. It's not working so well. We're not sure what to do next. He just has a terrible time relaxing and going to sleep.

* Last Sunday evening we had our annual joint-church Christmas Sing. It was so good. I always enjoy that so much. I was thinking as I sat there that I really need times like that to focus my heart and mind on what Christmas really is! This afternoon we have our ladies Christmas Tea and I think that will be another time of "re-focusing". I'm so thankful for the Gift of God which is our salvation through Jesus Christ!!!

* I'm in the second week or so of my Worst Cold Ever, I think. It just hangs on and on, although I can tell I'm getting better slowly. I've had a hard time sleeping at times because of coughing and a stuffy nose. Thankfully, my nights have been more restful lately!

* And, on top of that, lower back pain has set in for me. The weird thing was, it hit both Keith and me the same day. He's much better and I"m up and down with it. It seemed the other day like God was saying to me, "You are over-doing it and need to slow down." So, I'm willingly taking that to heart!

* Awhile ago, I promised the boys we'd make gingerbread houses and have some of their friends over too. So last Sat. was the day. Unfortunately, it was the day I felt about the worst with this cold. But, the kids had a great time and us Moms enjoyed it too. There was lots of sugar everywhere, both inside and on the outside of the kids! We made the houses out of graham crackers, which works quite well and is so much easier than making the gingerbread!! Now my challenge is finding a place to put their creations where Josiah won't help himself to all the "tandy" he wants! (Josiah was "un-invited" to this party! He went to Grandma's!)

* I'm not sure how to make this long story short... We got a treadmill from some friends this summer, but we lost the "key" in transport. It won't go without that key (basically a little rectangular piece of plastic). I tried to make a key but the treadmill only worked sporadically, and finally not at all. We finally concluded the treadmill just didn't work. We just kinda never got around to doing anything about it because I didn't really need it in the summer and fall. Now that I'm huge and it's very cold outside, I want to walk inside. I prayed a little while ago and asked God for a treadmill. Finally, last week, I asked Keith if he would make a key out of wood for it. (This had never occurred to us before.) He made one, and the thing works just fine! It was just that my "key" wasn't right. I'm sure it was God that prompted me to ask Keith to make a key! Thanks, Lord, for providing for us again!

* And speaking of provision... I've always wanted to change the carpet in ours and the boys room. What's there is gray - which is really not my favorite color - and worn. I didn't decorate at all around the carpet, so both of our rooms are painted some shade of tan/brown. Anyway, some friends of ours just replaced their carpet and what they took out is a medium brown. It's not the newest, but the color is so much better and the price is right (free!) So, last week, Keith started working on putting it in our room. Last night, Jeff (my carpet-laying-wonder-brother) came over and helped him finish it up! Or I should say, Keith helped him. Anyway, it's done in our room and it looks so much better. Once he does the boys' room, we'll (meaning Keith) steam clean them both, and then I'll feel really good about it! Oh, and then we're getting base-board in those rooms, which have never had it! Yay!

* We've been so busy the last few weeks (why did we add carpet installation to the Christmas season??) with various things, that we haven't had a chance to go cut a Christmas tree. (For those of you not familiar with our area, we can just go out in the bush (woods, if you're an American) and cut one down and no one cares!) I actually talked Keith into just buying one this year. Gasp! Heresy! We've never done such a thing before, but this time, even Keith was okay with the idea. Then, when we went to get it, the man (who goes to our church) wouldn't take any money for it! Wow! We picked out a white pine (I think that's what it is) with long needles. It's really pretty, but the funny thing is, the ornaments slide off very easily! So, I have a little pile of stuff to put back on the tree one of these days!

* Keith has been hauling loads of free, easy-to-get firewood this week. We're really happy about that!

* I've been faithfully checking my blood-sugar, and it seems that with a few changes to my diet, I can easily control it. I've even been able to eat my share of cookies, dessert, etc sometimes. In fact, I've wondered sometimes if God has healed me. I've definitely asked Him to! I'm really thankful that I don't have to say no to ALL off my favorite Christmas goodies!

* I guess that's all for now. I really need to sit at the desk for awhile and sort through receipts and bills. I have the ominous feeling I've let some bills go overdue again. Duh! Merry Christmas everyone!!