Long, long ago there were three silly young girls. They liked to talk and talk about many things great and small, go canoeing and camping, climb rock cliffs, talk about boys, make true confessions, read Winnie-the-Pooh, make up and play crazy group games, struggle through the issues of young-adulthood together, do crazy skits at youth retreat, sing, listen to music, laugh and laugh, play preposterous tricks on each other, work (work?!?) together, and just plain hang out.
Looks like fun. I would love to be
there with you all. jen
Most of that fun happened before we moved to Red Lake, but I sure enjoyed those couple of years here as Becky's mom, youth directors, etc. where I laughed along with you three sometimes.... especially remembering the male quartet spoof and Jenni's lingerie shower with the huge gift at the end! So it was great to see you all (plus 10)together again.
Well, Jenni, I must hand it to you...you one upped me this time! I'm not used to this whole blog medium thing, plus I just don't have as much time to think (i.e. scheme) as in the past. Must say I laughed long and hard!
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