Monday morning Logan pulled the tree down. ( I have to confess that it was my fault. We were playing a little game of "hide the doll" and I put it in the tree. It was too high for him to reach and I wasn't paying attention...) I was already thinking about taking it down, so that was just the impetus I needed. We all worked together “un-decorating” and cleaning up and it felt so good! I’ve decided that as much as I love decorating for Christmas, I enjoy putting it all away a little bit more. It feels so clean and uncluttered. I was already wanting to clean out junky/messy corners and that really put me in the mood! While we were putting stuff away, Keith cleaned a shelf and I did a shelf and drawer. One of my “New Year’s resolutions” is to clean out a shelf, drawer or cupboard every day in Jan. Well, not every day, but often!! I'm declaring war on clutter and junk!
I join you in the war on clutter~! If only we could keep up with it!
cool picture!
Logan looks so cute, standing there smiling that he got the doll, TOO cute!
We had a good time in San Diego, but glad to be home with my little girl again.
Its fun to read your news, thanks for the consistent updates :)
Haaaallllllllooooo????? Anyone home? Update?
HI Jenni, It takes a while to figure out how to leave a comment, even . . . for me that is! I loved looking at your pics. And the Chrsitmas eve service and afterwards visiting sounds so inviting. Favorite gift? Dad is giving us each $5000 as pre inheritance. My isn't soluble yet, or whatever, but it will be available for the addition I am hoping to do next summer or 2008. Very thankful!
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