Saturday, February 17, 2007
“How to Cut a Tooth” by Josiah, age 13 months

Hi everyone. Mommy said I could write this post for her. Since it’s about me. Well, apparently she thinks I’m pretty slow in the tooth department, since I only had four teeth until yesterday. I don’t think it’s my fault though. Anyway, the other day I was toddling around which is one of the things I do best – usually. But this time I tripped over something and fell against the corner of the coffee table and hit my mouth. I cried and cried and when Mommy looked, all she saw was a little cut where a new tooth should be one day. And guess what? Two days later, my tooth is poking through. It's my fourth one on the top. Now Mommy thinks I should find some way to bump my bottom teeth through. I only have one (very crooked) bottom tooth. Am I silly or what! But I’m cute, so it’s okay. At least that’s what they tell me.
I know this is changing the subject, but I’m really excited because Mommy and Daddy decided I’m big enough to do the stairs now. I finally learned how to turn around and slide down on my tummy. It’s so fun and I love to go down to the basement!! And Mommy’s glad she can leave the gate open most of the time!
Okay, and now Mommy's disgusted because she up-=loaded that picture of me three times and it's still sideways and she doesn't know why. Sorry! That's all.
kid news

Rachel told me to post pictures of the boys, so in humble submission to her, here they are!
Caleb is really enjoying piano lessons and doing well. I just love it when he sits down at the piano and plays for fun! I find it amazing what he’s learned in less than a year! Legos continue to be one of his favorite toys. Especially when Daddy helps him build something. This is a marble roller that they built. Do your kids go on toy binges?? Mine do. A few weeks ago all they played with was Legos. Then they got out the wooden train set that they hadn’t touched in months. And that’s about all they played with for days. Now it looks like we’re back to Legos. They crack me up!!
My big 4.5 year old fell asleep at the supper table the other night! He still takes a nap once in awhile. We’re doing a bit of “school” with him now and I’m so pleased that he’s catching on to lots of letters and numbers. But not the colors. I used to wonder if he was color-blind, and then I thought no, it was just that he hadn’t learned his colors yet. But now he’s learned them, and he still gets mixed up often with blue/purple and green/brown. I guess I should get him tested. Here’s a question for a genetics expert. My Mom was a carrier of color-blindness (her Dad had it and one of my brothers has it). I never thought that I could be a carrier. Does anyone know if I could be??
Someone Really Should Get Pregnant!

Well, it’s this way. I’ve been getting the itch to crotchet something. Not a big afghan though, more like a baby afghan. I was holding myself back a little, but then… Yesterday I paid a final visit to our dear little Yarn Shop which is closing after many years in our little town. :-( The yarn was 40% off and she has such nice yarn… So, now I’m the proud owner of yarn for a baby boy and baby girl blanket. Any takers?
Valentine's Day

How did you celebrate? We went to the Sweetheart Banquet last Saturday, which was very nice. Then on Wednesday I made a special meal and we had a friend over. I got the menu idea from my friend, Iris, last year: heart-shaped meatloaf and pink mashed potatoes. That was fun!! Then, we all (except Josiah) went to the Symphony! Yup, you heard me right! The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra was in town and we took the boys. It was wonderful music, of course, and the boys did really well sitting quietly through it. It did get long for them, but they enjoyed it to. Of course, Logan's favorite instrument was the drums! The really neat thing was that we sat so close to the orchestra. We moved for the second half and we were only about 4 feet from the first row of musicians! It was at the Legion, for those of you who know it, and the place was packed.
Friday, February 16, 2007
My Emotional Health-O-Meter
I was thinking about it all this morning and realized that I can also tell how I’m doing emotionally by how often the dishes get washed. If I’m doing well and full of energy, I/we usually do the dishes after lunch. If I’m overwhelmed emotionally or physically, they sit there all day until after supper (sorry, Honey!) This probably isn’t remotely interesting to any of you, but I found it sorta interesting/enlightening for myself. Oh, and wash the dishes after breakfast?? I should say not! Whatever my mood! :-)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Chocolate and Little Boys
The Why's and How's of My Life
Why did our van escape mortal injury in Kenora two weeks ago, only to die a week later? Yup, I was driving last Sat. and the thing just died. My mechanic Father-in-law says it goes “clunk.” That’s not good. A lot different than “click” (like a dead battery). So, we’re not entirely sure yet, but the evidence seems to point to a seized up engine. It’s probably related to what happened in Kenora and the fact that we didn’t get the contaminated oil changed soon enough. We were going to replace it this spring anyway… Rest in peace, old blue van!
How can it be that my energetic and hard-working Mother-in-law was baby-sitting Josiah all day last Tuesday and the next morning, she ended up in the hospital with a heart condition?? It boggles the mind - and heart! She’s home now and doing better…
How do I cut the hair around Josiah’s ears and leave the rest long without it looking “half-cut”??
Why do I live in Northwestern Ontario where the temperature has ranged from –15 to –40 C (that’s -25 to -40 for you Yankees) for the last, oh, maybe two solid weeks - maybe more? I wanna move to Arizona! :-/
How am I supposed to have a day of rest on Sunday when my energetic boys are full of “Mommy watch this, do this, help me with this”, etc., etc.??
Why did I volunteer to make desserts for the sweetheart banquet when I’m trying to lose weight? Well, the banquet was last night, and the desserts turned out fine. And, I lost a couple pounds last week. I had to make a vow to God that I wouldn’t eat any sweets except 5 bites if I was doing a test-run on a dessert – until the banquet. I almost made it and it did help! Oh, and the final dessert list was: Chocolate Caramel Torte, Coconut Cake Supreme, Red Velvet Cake, Cherry Vanilla Parfait, Sugar-free Cheesecake with Strawberries, Bavarian Apple Torte, and Peanut Butter Pie.
And finally, why do I wait so long to blog and then have so much to write at once?
Life’s little mysteries…
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Whaddaya Think?

Josiah is now 13 months old, and he's had his one-year pictures taken. So, what's to stop me from cutting his hair? I just can't make myself do it just yet. I know that when I cut it, my little baby will be gone forever and I'll have a little boy instead. Sigh! So, do you think I should cut it now? Obviously, it doesn't always look like these pictures. I try to keep it tucked behind his ears. :-)
And on a completely different topic... It's supposed to be -40 tonight or colder. I really need to go for a walk in the morning. Do you think I will? No, not likely. I'm thinking about digging out my old aerobics video for tomorrow and exercising with Stormie. Sometimes it's just too cold!!!