Josiah is now 13 months old, and he's had his one-year pictures taken. So, what's to stop me from cutting his hair? I just can't make myself do it just yet. I know that when I cut it, my little baby will be gone forever and I'll have a little boy instead. Sigh! So, do you think I should cut it now? Obviously, it doesn't always look like these pictures. I try to keep it tucked behind his ears. :-)
And on a completely different topic... It's supposed to be -40 tonight or colder. I really need to go for a walk in the morning. Do you think I will? No, not likely. I'm thinking about digging out my old aerobics video for tomorrow and exercising with Stormie. Sometimes it's just too cold!!!
nice! :) the sticky-up-hair one makes me think of Christopher Lloyd, no offense. :)
You could just let it go and start putting it in pony tails. That'd be cute.
Please don't go walking when it's 40 below - that's just silliness. You only have one face and if you loose it to frostbite, well frankly, you won't look as good. Run around the house in circles or something of that nature maybe.
I say cut it, but then again, I've never been a mother facing such a task. Curls are cute, but when little boys start looking like little girls...yikes!
And no, forgo the walk and beebop with Stormie. Boy, it'd be fun to come and do aerobics with you and Rachel - and then eat ice cream with peanut butter afterward. : )
Yeah, I worked out with Stormie. It'll have to do until the weather warms up to at least -20! :-)
So did we do that? The aerobics and ice cream? I wonder why I can't lose weight! Duh!
No, I never did the aerobics & ice cream with you, Jenni, but I did with Rachel many, many times. Sorry about telling our secret to the blogging world, Rach! : )
ok...I'm a scholar (sp?) on boys! ha! ha! and I think he looks absolutely too cute with the curls! and I can tell you right now that when you do cut them, that all the older ladies in church are gonna have a heartattack!!! my Bradley had quite the curls and I was given a very bad time for cutting his hair. If my memory serves me right I think I cut his around 15 months. So my advice to you....wait just a bit longer..enjoy ever minute of it...and save every curl in a ziploc baggie so you can show it to him later in life!!! :-) I love yours and Rachel's blogs!!! Their a fun part to my week! :-) Who knows...maybe I'll have to start blogging some day also!
I'd vote to cut it. I could come take pictures, like when you cut Logan's for the first time. That seems like such a long time ago!
I am NOT a scholar on boys, :) but i was thinking maybe you could just trim in around his ears a bit and let him have a longer style for awhile? dunno. but it is cute.
I think Rhonda's suggestion is a good idea. Just trim around the ears and leave the top long. He'll look so cute! But I guess he'll look cute no matter what.
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