I finally did it! I cut the little guy's hair. He was starting to look like he was wearing a worn-out mop on his head! So I took the plunge. He behaved very well and consumed many raisins in the process. I was just disgusted that I didn't get a really good "before" picture. :-( But now my baby is gone and I'm sad! Even though he's cute as a button as a big boy, it's an adjustment to see him this way. Sigh. Why does time march on so fast??? The other thing is, now I think he looks kinda silly with a bottle! But I don't have the gumption to wean him. :-)
Hi Jenni,
Your boys are so adorable. I love seeing pictures of them!
Rosie-A long lost cuz.
wow he looks so big in that top picture. i feel your pain, even though i've never had to deal with that particular milestone. my baby tells me every day that she's NOT a baby, she's a big gheel. :) boo hoo.
well, you do have all that yarn. that's all i'm sayin'.
I was thinking that too, Rhonda....about the yarn. Hmmm....
I hope you hold securely to what you know to be true during this difficult trial you are now facing. Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
oh shut up, rachel. :-)
I can't believe how big he is! Like Rachel says, he's going to be grown up and married and I'll be lucky to see him before then!
Sorry, I don't get the yarn thing? Like, you can use his hair to make yarn? Wouldn't that be a precious memento that you could treasure forever? (or perhaps not)
Jenni, you have the cutiest boys! I almost felt sad about Isaiah's first hair cut, but then I started to think of all the many, many more hair cuts to come and I started to feel depressed for a different reason!
Okay, that middle picture is just hysterical. It makes me want to laugh and laugh and laugh - not sure what it is exactly - I think a combination of the hair and his expression... too funny.
heather, you need to read back a few posts...
Oh yeah, I did read that post, but missed the connection. Sorry, no help with the yarn from this female!
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