Josiah's so good at making extra work for me! The other day I was engrossed in making supper and the boys were playing "Hide and Seek" with Josiah. All of a sudden I realized they were calling and calling for him and he wasn't coming. Where was he? I found him in the bathroom with the potty chair dissasembled. He had the "bowl" of it and was dipping water out of the toilet and pouring it on the floor. Sigh!
Tonight I had dressed him after his bath and shut the door because the other boys were stil in the tub. Then Caleb finished and got out by himself - and left the door open. Next thing I knew, Logan was hollering, "Mommy, come QUICK!" I went and found Josiah in the tub again. This one made me laugh - and grab the camera!
This is so cute! Adrienne has almost done this a few times too but she hasn't had as much luck as Josiah! :-)
Ah, kids. They must be the same the world over. My kids have done osme things, but never that. Made me laugh. :0)
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