Awhile ago I told you about the cooking day we did. Several (well, two) of you wanted the list of recipes we made. So, here they are. And I must say, it has been wonderful pulling supper out of the freezer!! So far nearly everything has been a success. Not that little Mister Picky has liked it all, but that's just normal for him. I'm not sure if we'll have too much soup at the end of the month or not. It seemed like we made an awful lot of soup for one month. So, we'll see how it goes for next month...
Lentil Stew
Potato Chowder (made without the white sauce. I'll add that when we eat it.)
Hamburger Barley
Cicken Wild Rice
Vegetable Beef
Cream of Broccoli/Pea (not a milk base. It's a pureed soup - mostly broccoli, peas, onions, celery, spices. I love it and Keith tolerates it.)
Casseroles/Main Dishes/Side Dishes:
Curry Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Chicken & Rice
Tater Tot Casserole (made with a gravy base, not mushroom soup)
Lasagne (my vegetarian, tofu recipe. It's really good. Really.)
Pakistani Kima (a hamburger, vegetable curry that you put over rice)
Breakfast Casserole
Rice & Veggie Casserole (sort of a Mexican Beans and Rice deal)
Chicken Gumbo
Sauce-baked Meatballs
Taco Meat
That's 21 different main dishes, but some of them made LOTS. I love leftovers for lunches! I'm looking forward to doing it again, but I think I need some more chicken recipes. It seems like most of them were beef. Does anyone have any good freeze-able chicken ideas?? Or anything else? I don't want to make all the same stuff every month.
So, what are you having for supper tomorrow night? We're having potato chowder and I think I'll try to make bread sticks. Anybody wanna come over for supper?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hilda the Housewife (and Schoolteacher)
Thanks for the home-schooling ideas! This started out as a comment on my post, but it got too long, so I’ll just post it. You'd think the "after-lunch-while-he's-sleeping" solution would be a no-brainer. I hadn’t really considered it though because I was thinking I want to get it all done in the morning or something. And, that's my nap-time too. Thankfully, my naps are much shorter than they were and sometimes I can even skip them! So we're going to try that. Also, this morning, Caleb took his "table-work" that he can do mostly on his own to the basement and we shut the gate. That worked quite well! Less distractions for him too. As far as Daddy is concerned, he is doing the Bible stories and also the science activities. So that helps a lot. Anyway, today was a better day.
I also had the idea to insert regularly scheduled chores in each morning in place of the school work that we'll be doing in the afternoon. That feels good too. It was okay that Caleb and I were doing language at 3:00 because we had already folded all of the laundry in the morning. I’m thinking of the following schedule: Monday – swimming lessons, no extra chores, Tuesday – clean bathrooms and either dust or change sheets (those last two might not always happen. tee hee.), Wednesday – fold laundry, Thursday – send the kids to their Grandmas – no extra chores, Friday – vacuum and mop.
While I’m on the subject of housework, I’ve been meaning to ask sometime…. What is a favorite “routine” or household tip that really helps you get something done, stay organized, make a job you don't like easier, etc.??? I’d like to hear some good ideas from lots of people. We all have little things that we do that make housework more efficient. I thought it would be neat if we’d share some of our favorite ideas. So, let’s hear it for – and from – all the Hilda the Housewives out there!
I also had the idea to insert regularly scheduled chores in each morning in place of the school work that we'll be doing in the afternoon. That feels good too. It was okay that Caleb and I were doing language at 3:00 because we had already folded all of the laundry in the morning. I’m thinking of the following schedule: Monday – swimming lessons, no extra chores, Tuesday – clean bathrooms and either dust or change sheets (those last two might not always happen. tee hee.), Wednesday – fold laundry, Thursday – send the kids to their Grandmas – no extra chores, Friday – vacuum and mop.
While I’m on the subject of housework, I’ve been meaning to ask sometime…. What is a favorite “routine” or household tip that really helps you get something done, stay organized, make a job you don't like easier, etc.??? I’d like to hear some good ideas from lots of people. We all have little things that we do that make housework more efficient. I thought it would be neat if we’d share some of our favorite ideas. So, let’s hear it for – and from – all the Hilda the Housewives out there!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Logan's Birthday

I guess it's been a month since Logan's birthday, so it's time to post the pictures, eh? Since he turned five we did a bigger party than usual. We planned a beach party since, well, it was August. Makes sense, doesn't it? It was So Cold! Oh well, the kids had fun anyway! We had the party at 3:00 and then had the Grandparents over for pizza in the evening. You can see how Logan felt by the end of the day. The funny thing is, since he turned five, he finally doesn't take a nap most of the time. Just once in awhile.
Friday, September 14, 2007
School Daze
Yeah, I know it's a lame pun, but I haven't the talent to think of something truly witty. We’re getting into the swing of home-school around here. I think it’s going pretty well. Then I remember that neither of the boys is doing their Language Arts yet. So, there are more challenges to come!
My biggest challenge right now is what to do with Josiah!! I’m asking all home-school Moms for advice. He’s 20 months old and just LOVES to do everything his brothers do. This doesn’t work so well when they’re writing/coloring/cutting at the table. He’s all over and into everything. Aarrgghh! Yes, I’m very willing to use purposeful swats to the backside and I do, but it seems to have no effect at this point. He spends a good chunk of time in his room with a gate across the door and toys to play with. He does well with that, but I can’t leave him in there all morning!! This morning I put him in his high-chair with crayons and a paper – and soon he was just eating the crayons. Later I tried the high-chair again and gave him playdo. That worked well for a little while, and then the playdo ended up all over the floor. Sigh. Is this just something we have to put up with?? Or do any of you have ideas for how to occupy and train him?? When we’re not doing school-work, he’s quite good and happy most of the time.
For those of you familiar with Sonlight, we’re doing Core C this year with both Caleb and Logan. It’s better for Logan, but I find it's not too challenging for Caleb. I’m thinking of what I can do to give him some more to do, but not just “busy work”. Several options I’m thinking of: some really good Canadian History books for kids (anyone know of any?) and/or ACE Science or Animal Science PACEs. Right now he’s finishing up a couple of Sonlight Science books that we didn’t do last year.
On a happy note, we’re really enjoying “The Boxcar Children” right now. That is a book I read many times when I was little, and it brings back memories for me! Also, I’m looking forward to Caleb’s Language Arts (Sonlight). I’ve hardly looked at Logan’s yet so I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to it or not. And here's one little funny. We were reading some "Mother Goose" rhymes today. After I finished one Caleb remarked, "That was lame!" And he was right! :-) Okay, enough rambling. I’d love to hear from you home-school Moms out there that I know read my blog and never or rarely comment.
My biggest challenge right now is what to do with Josiah!! I’m asking all home-school Moms for advice. He’s 20 months old and just LOVES to do everything his brothers do. This doesn’t work so well when they’re writing/coloring/cutting at the table. He’s all over and into everything. Aarrgghh! Yes, I’m very willing to use purposeful swats to the backside and I do, but it seems to have no effect at this point. He spends a good chunk of time in his room with a gate across the door and toys to play with. He does well with that, but I can’t leave him in there all morning!! This morning I put him in his high-chair with crayons and a paper – and soon he was just eating the crayons. Later I tried the high-chair again and gave him playdo. That worked well for a little while, and then the playdo ended up all over the floor. Sigh. Is this just something we have to put up with?? Or do any of you have ideas for how to occupy and train him?? When we’re not doing school-work, he’s quite good and happy most of the time.
For those of you familiar with Sonlight, we’re doing Core C this year with both Caleb and Logan. It’s better for Logan, but I find it's not too challenging for Caleb. I’m thinking of what I can do to give him some more to do, but not just “busy work”. Several options I’m thinking of: some really good Canadian History books for kids (anyone know of any?) and/or ACE Science or Animal Science PACEs. Right now he’s finishing up a couple of Sonlight Science books that we didn’t do last year.
On a happy note, we’re really enjoying “The Boxcar Children” right now. That is a book I read many times when I was little, and it brings back memories for me! Also, I’m looking forward to Caleb’s Language Arts (Sonlight). I’ve hardly looked at Logan’s yet so I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to it or not. And here's one little funny. We were reading some "Mother Goose" rhymes today. After I finished one Caleb remarked, "That was lame!" And he was right! :-) Okay, enough rambling. I’d love to hear from you home-school Moms out there that I know read my blog and never or rarely comment.
Who Turned Down the Thermostat??
In honour of the snowflakes we saw yesterday (someone forgot to tell us about global warming!), I'm finally posting pictures of us picking blueberries - in much warmer weather! :-)
We were so thankful for the blueberries this year! After quite a few years of not-so-many berries, they were plentiful this year. Thank you, Jesus! It was also very special to pick berries with good friends from out of town. Carolyn S. and Jennifer M and her kids were here right over blueberry time. We had one little trip out to the bush together. That time Glenda M. and Mary Elaine P. were there too, as well as Lisa's Mom and Grandma! Lots of foreigners in the blueberry patch! That was when we almost had to pry Glenda’s fingers off of the bushes so we could go home. :-) She could hardly stand to leave those beautiful berries there. Jennifer and her kids stayed with us and it was so good to see them again. Iris and I went out a couple times as well and did all the damage to the berries we could!! The picture of the four boys is them having a "moose poop fight". Boys will be boys, after all. In case you're not from the North, this moose poop is hard and dry, not soft and gross. :-) Well, it's still sorta gross, but hey, they were having fun and not bothering us while we were picking! :-)
We were so thankful for the blueberries this year! After quite a few years of not-so-many berries, they were plentiful this year. Thank you, Jesus! It was also very special to pick berries with good friends from out of town. Carolyn S. and Jennifer M and her kids were here right over blueberry time. We had one little trip out to the bush together. That time Glenda M. and Mary Elaine P. were there too, as well as Lisa's Mom and Grandma! Lots of foreigners in the blueberry patch! That was when we almost had to pry Glenda’s fingers off of the bushes so we could go home. :-) She could hardly stand to leave those beautiful berries there. Jennifer and her kids stayed with us and it was so good to see them again. Iris and I went out a couple times as well and did all the damage to the berries we could!! The picture of the four boys is them having a "moose poop fight". Boys will be boys, after all. In case you're not from the North, this moose poop is hard and dry, not soft and gross. :-) Well, it's still sorta gross, but hey, they were having fun and not bothering us while we were picking! :-)
Saturday, September 08, 2007
God of the Little Things
I have a little story to tell you, just to brag on my God a bit. This past spring we had what seemed to be a rash of technological breakdowns. The VCR and CD player both quit around the same time. (Well, "quit" isn't quite the right word for the VCR. It was more like a victim of a murder at the hands of a cute little toddler!) I know our desktop computer also died but I'm not sure of the timing of that one. At the time, God had been speaking to me about living simply, being content, spending less, giving more, etc. I determined to pray for these "needs" and not just rush out and buy all new stuff.
I don't remember what all happened with the computer, but Keith talked to a friend who "builds" computers and we ended up getting one from him for nothing. Since we have the Mac as well, we just needed a basic PC to run a few windows-only programs we use... Thank you, Lord for the computer!
I was praying for a cheap VCR and CD player - although the CD player seemed a bit more of a "stretch" for God. Y'know what I mean? I want a decent little stereo with at least a 3-CD changer. I looked at garage sales, etc, for a VCR, but found nothing. I waited and prayed. Then one day a friend stopped in (I think she was dropping off one of her kids). I had asked to borrow a few DVDs since we don't have many. She kindly brought some and also added, "You said you don't have a VCR. Here's an extra one we have. You can borrow it." I wondered if they wanted to get rid of it and she thought they would part with it for the $15 they had paid for it at a second-hand store. There you go. Answer to prayer, #2.
Now the CD player. That's another story. We waited. I prayed. An "expert" told me that no one fixes that kind of stuff. We looked around and considered buying one. We couldn't find exactly what we wanted. I put the stereo down in Keith's shop since it was dead anyway. I reminded God that I wanted a CD player. We waited. One day Keith came home from work and said he had sold one of his kayaks. I had nearly forgotten he had it since he's never used it since we're married. Hmmm, $200 of unexpected cash. "Say, honey, do ya think we could buy a stereo with that when we go to Winnipeg?" Maybe. So, when we were there last month we looked around. We almost bought one that was on sale but it wasn't exactly what we wanted and we just weren't ready to do it. Then I really wondered when or how we would ever get one.
On Labour Day, Keith was putzing around in the shop. At the supper table he calmly announced, "I fixed the CD player." Get this: he took the cover off and it had a CD jammed in it! That's all that was wrong with it!!! Wow! Thank you, Jesus. I was so excited I could hardly stop sputtering. And that explains that missing CD as well. And guess what it was?!? Jungle JAM! Teehee. So, I guess the $200 goes to a Third-world country!!
This whole thing has been such a good lesson for me! 1) God knows and cares about the "little" stuff! 2) If I don't rush off to meet my own "needs" God has a chance to show me what He can do. 3) Sometimes it's good to go without stuff and realize our "needs" might just be "wants". So, that's my happy little story for today. We serve a wonderful, amazing God who can do anything and loves us each individually and intimately! Wow!
I don't remember what all happened with the computer, but Keith talked to a friend who "builds" computers and we ended up getting one from him for nothing. Since we have the Mac as well, we just needed a basic PC to run a few windows-only programs we use... Thank you, Lord for the computer!
I was praying for a cheap VCR and CD player - although the CD player seemed a bit more of a "stretch" for God. Y'know what I mean? I want a decent little stereo with at least a 3-CD changer. I looked at garage sales, etc, for a VCR, but found nothing. I waited and prayed. Then one day a friend stopped in (I think she was dropping off one of her kids). I had asked to borrow a few DVDs since we don't have many. She kindly brought some and also added, "You said you don't have a VCR. Here's an extra one we have. You can borrow it." I wondered if they wanted to get rid of it and she thought they would part with it for the $15 they had paid for it at a second-hand store. There you go. Answer to prayer, #2.
Now the CD player. That's another story. We waited. I prayed. An "expert" told me that no one fixes that kind of stuff. We looked around and considered buying one. We couldn't find exactly what we wanted. I put the stereo down in Keith's shop since it was dead anyway. I reminded God that I wanted a CD player. We waited. One day Keith came home from work and said he had sold one of his kayaks. I had nearly forgotten he had it since he's never used it since we're married. Hmmm, $200 of unexpected cash. "Say, honey, do ya think we could buy a stereo with that when we go to Winnipeg?" Maybe. So, when we were there last month we looked around. We almost bought one that was on sale but it wasn't exactly what we wanted and we just weren't ready to do it. Then I really wondered when or how we would ever get one.
On Labour Day, Keith was putzing around in the shop. At the supper table he calmly announced, "I fixed the CD player." Get this: he took the cover off and it had a CD jammed in it! That's all that was wrong with it!!! Wow! Thank you, Jesus. I was so excited I could hardly stop sputtering. And that explains that missing CD as well. And guess what it was?!? Jungle JAM! Teehee. So, I guess the $200 goes to a Third-world country!!
This whole thing has been such a good lesson for me! 1) God knows and cares about the "little" stuff! 2) If I don't rush off to meet my own "needs" God has a chance to show me what He can do. 3) Sometimes it's good to go without stuff and realize our "needs" might just be "wants". So, that's my happy little story for today. We serve a wonderful, amazing God who can do anything and loves us each individually and intimately! Wow!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Rock and Roll, Baby!!
This post has nothing to do with rock and roll, or babies! But, I have some seriously good news to report! Today, my dear friend, Rita, (who also happens to be my sis-in-law Rhonda's Mom) came over and we cooked up a storm. I mean some serious cooking! But, I must go back a few months and tell the whole story...
A few month ago I was pondering my up-coming year with home-schooling, parenting (chasing) a toddler, and then having a baby in January. I was wondering how in the world I was going to manage all of that. I was realizing that I simply cannot do it all! I need help with something. I'm sure there are many, many women in the world who can home-school with 4 kids under 8 and "do it all" but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not one of them! So one morning as I was pondering this (I'd like to say that I was praying about it, but I can't say for sure that I was) I had this idea which I think was from God. Keith was okay with my idea, and today it started to happen.
The plan is that for the next year or two, I'll hire someone to help me cook one day a month and I'll put as many meals in the freezer as possible. Cooking is not my passion or first love, so I find the constant demand of it to be quite draining. So, today, Rita came and we cooked like crazy. She was here from 8:00 until after 4:00. I didn't really start until after 9:30, after I had delivered the boys to their Grandmas, but then I worked until supper and still had some clean-up and putting away to do. We made 20 different things today and a few of them were more than one meal. Most are large amounts that will probably make a supper and lunch at least. I can't wait to see how some of them turned out and also just see what it feels like to just pull supper out of the freezer! A few things need to be thickened or have a sauce added that I didn't think would freeze well. One problem I ran into was how to freeze it all. Your can't just stack up a bunch of casseroles or bags of soup or they won't freeze fast enough. I ended up taking a bunch of stuff to my Mother-in-laws freezer so it could all be spread out. Once it's all frozen, I think we can get it all in our freezers. :-)
We didn't get the meatloaf and meatballs made, so I'll do that tomorrow, and since I'm on a roll, I might do taco meat and bbq beef yet. We used a food processor to grate cheese and chop, slice and dice piles of vegetables. I chopped up 12 - 14 cups of onions, and I still had to do a few more at the end. :-) The fun part was that once all the meat was cooked and the vegetables cut up, it was so fast to throw some stuff together.
Oh, and one thing we learned. Don't buy a frozen chicken labeled: "Mature. Ideal for Stewing". What it really means is, "Tough old bird. Not good for eating!!" Rita chopped it up small and mixed it in with the other chicken, so it will probaby be okay. Now I need to drag my weary body to bed and see if I can recover. :-) I might post some pictures of our adventures one of these days... when I can borrow a flash drive from someone!
A few month ago I was pondering my up-coming year with home-schooling, parenting (chasing) a toddler, and then having a baby in January. I was wondering how in the world I was going to manage all of that. I was realizing that I simply cannot do it all! I need help with something. I'm sure there are many, many women in the world who can home-school with 4 kids under 8 and "do it all" but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not one of them! So one morning as I was pondering this (I'd like to say that I was praying about it, but I can't say for sure that I was) I had this idea which I think was from God. Keith was okay with my idea, and today it started to happen.
The plan is that for the next year or two, I'll hire someone to help me cook one day a month and I'll put as many meals in the freezer as possible. Cooking is not my passion or first love, so I find the constant demand of it to be quite draining. So, today, Rita came and we cooked like crazy. She was here from 8:00 until after 4:00. I didn't really start until after 9:30, after I had delivered the boys to their Grandmas, but then I worked until supper and still had some clean-up and putting away to do. We made 20 different things today and a few of them were more than one meal. Most are large amounts that will probably make a supper and lunch at least. I can't wait to see how some of them turned out and also just see what it feels like to just pull supper out of the freezer! A few things need to be thickened or have a sauce added that I didn't think would freeze well. One problem I ran into was how to freeze it all. Your can't just stack up a bunch of casseroles or bags of soup or they won't freeze fast enough. I ended up taking a bunch of stuff to my Mother-in-laws freezer so it could all be spread out. Once it's all frozen, I think we can get it all in our freezers. :-)
We didn't get the meatloaf and meatballs made, so I'll do that tomorrow, and since I'm on a roll, I might do taco meat and bbq beef yet. We used a food processor to grate cheese and chop, slice and dice piles of vegetables. I chopped up 12 - 14 cups of onions, and I still had to do a few more at the end. :-) The fun part was that once all the meat was cooked and the vegetables cut up, it was so fast to throw some stuff together.
Oh, and one thing we learned. Don't buy a frozen chicken labeled: "Mature. Ideal for Stewing". What it really means is, "Tough old bird. Not good for eating!!" Rita chopped it up small and mixed it in with the other chicken, so it will probaby be okay. Now I need to drag my weary body to bed and see if I can recover. :-) I might post some pictures of our adventures one of these days... when I can borrow a flash drive from someone!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Sunday afternoon!
I want so badly to post a pile of pictures, but we're having a small technical problem - our flash drive is misplaced. I won't bore you with why I need it to post pictures. Anyway, I'll do that as soon as I can.
In other, more exciting news, we had a very fun scrap-booking day on Friday! Wendy (and Dylan), Iris, Lisa, Leona and I were there and our 14 children were at my house with babysitters. (It's a good thing two of Lisa's are older and could help since one of our sitters couldn't come untile 2:00!!) We "scrapped" like mad and then took a break to go out for lunch for a friend's birthday (Shelley, in case you know her). Then we "scrapped" some more and took a little break for supper. Well, Wendy had to go home and Lisa just kept working and we brought her some leftovers. Leona left before the rest of us, but we were on such a roll that Lisa, Iris and I went until 1:30 or so. Yikes! We got lots done. I could have gone back the next day and kept right on going, but... Real life was calling my name so I stayed home. :-)
Iris had put her kids to bed here and then also came here to sleep. So we enjoyed Keith's pancakes in the morning. :-) Oh, I forgot to mention that when I did get to bed around 2:00, I didn't sleep well at all. Maybe I was just too over-tired and keyed up! Needless to say, a long nap was a necessity on Sat. And today. I feel like I'm still catching up! I'm not sure if old, pregnant ladies should do stuff like that, but it was sure fun!
In other, more serious, news, I mentioned once awhile ago that I have a real problem with over-eating. Sigh. A friend told me about a web-site that looks really good. The address is: They do a lot of stuff dealing with various addictions - including food. Man, it sounds so harsh when you call it an addiction. Anyway, they offer a 60-day online course for free and the point of it is to teach you to fill up your heart with Christ and break the emotional need for food. So, I'm telling you this so that I can't turn back. I'm going to take the course as soon as I have a chance to sign up. There's also a "diet" that goes along with it that I can't do because of being pregnant. (It involves fasting, eating half portions, etc. Basically just eating less food.) But I've made up my own diet restrictions that will be good for me anyway (such as limited sugar or no breads on certain days). I have to say that I'm scared about this because I've tried so many times to get my eating under control and I'm seeing just how much it controls me. I really do want to learn to find my soul satisfaction in Jesus and not be a slave to food!
Keith and the boys are outside building a fire in the fire-pit and Iris is coming over with a bunch of corn-on-the-cob from OH!!!! Yippee! (speaking of food!!) Add to that, Keith's home-made sausages on the grill and s'mores for dessert! The important thing is to not over-eat, I know, so I'll be careful tonight!
This post is becoming very random. Hope you don't mind. I baked bread the other week and it just did not turn out right. It didn't raise much and the loaves were small and kinda heavy. Yesterday I tried again, and I had a new bag of flour. It was called "Best for Bread" (the other time it was just plain old whole wheat flour). I still had the same yeast. Anyway, the bread was gorgeous!! Hmmm. Any words of wisdom about such things? Does flour get old pretty fast? Or was it because I had the "Best for Bread" kind?
Well, I had some more thoughts, but Iris and crew have just arrived. More later! And I hope your Sunday afternoon nap was as satisfying as mine was!!
In other, more exciting news, we had a very fun scrap-booking day on Friday! Wendy (and Dylan), Iris, Lisa, Leona and I were there and our 14 children were at my house with babysitters. (It's a good thing two of Lisa's are older and could help since one of our sitters couldn't come untile 2:00!!) We "scrapped" like mad and then took a break to go out for lunch for a friend's birthday (Shelley, in case you know her). Then we "scrapped" some more and took a little break for supper. Well, Wendy had to go home and Lisa just kept working and we brought her some leftovers. Leona left before the rest of us, but we were on such a roll that Lisa, Iris and I went until 1:30 or so. Yikes! We got lots done. I could have gone back the next day and kept right on going, but... Real life was calling my name so I stayed home. :-)
Iris had put her kids to bed here and then also came here to sleep. So we enjoyed Keith's pancakes in the morning. :-) Oh, I forgot to mention that when I did get to bed around 2:00, I didn't sleep well at all. Maybe I was just too over-tired and keyed up! Needless to say, a long nap was a necessity on Sat. And today. I feel like I'm still catching up! I'm not sure if old, pregnant ladies should do stuff like that, but it was sure fun!
In other, more serious, news, I mentioned once awhile ago that I have a real problem with over-eating. Sigh. A friend told me about a web-site that looks really good. The address is: They do a lot of stuff dealing with various addictions - including food. Man, it sounds so harsh when you call it an addiction. Anyway, they offer a 60-day online course for free and the point of it is to teach you to fill up your heart with Christ and break the emotional need for food. So, I'm telling you this so that I can't turn back. I'm going to take the course as soon as I have a chance to sign up. There's also a "diet" that goes along with it that I can't do because of being pregnant. (It involves fasting, eating half portions, etc. Basically just eating less food.) But I've made up my own diet restrictions that will be good for me anyway (such as limited sugar or no breads on certain days). I have to say that I'm scared about this because I've tried so many times to get my eating under control and I'm seeing just how much it controls me. I really do want to learn to find my soul satisfaction in Jesus and not be a slave to food!
Keith and the boys are outside building a fire in the fire-pit and Iris is coming over with a bunch of corn-on-the-cob from OH!!!! Yippee! (speaking of food!!) Add to that, Keith's home-made sausages on the grill and s'mores for dessert! The important thing is to not over-eat, I know, so I'll be careful tonight!
This post is becoming very random. Hope you don't mind. I baked bread the other week and it just did not turn out right. It didn't raise much and the loaves were small and kinda heavy. Yesterday I tried again, and I had a new bag of flour. It was called "Best for Bread" (the other time it was just plain old whole wheat flour). I still had the same yeast. Anyway, the bread was gorgeous!! Hmmm. Any words of wisdom about such things? Does flour get old pretty fast? Or was it because I had the "Best for Bread" kind?
Well, I had some more thoughts, but Iris and crew have just arrived. More later! And I hope your Sunday afternoon nap was as satisfying as mine was!!
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