I guess it's been a month since Logan's birthday, so it's time to post the pictures, eh? Since he turned five we did a bigger party than usual. We planned a beach party since, well, it was August. Makes sense, doesn't it? It was So Cold! Oh well, the kids had fun anyway! We had the party at 3:00 and then had the Grandparents over for pizza in the evening. You can see how Logan felt by the end of the day. The funny thing is, since he turned five, he finally doesn't take a nap most of the time. Just once in awhile.
great pictures! makes me happy that birthday season is starting around here. :D ok, who are all the kids in the first picture? i guess some of them are kevin and linda's? logan and sierra are the two 'oldest' nappers i know of, i think! she just recently quit, too, but if i make her lay down and hold still, she'll still nap! she and larissa quit at the same time. :)
Hey Great pics, thanks. = )
when I first looked at that cake picture, I thought it said, "Logan is 51" and wondered what the joke was that made Jenni do that.
I like reading your blog. Sometime I want to come visit and catch up in person. Now that I live here again and all.
Yes indeed....great party that makes the birthday boy absolutely worn out from all the fun! =)
As for scooling with little ones...we are doing half of our stuff in the afternoon while both of our preschoolers are napping. The benefits reach far. They are happy to have some of my attention in the AM. The older ones are happy to have my undivided attention in the afternoon. And I am MUCH less frustrated with cleaning up messes, getting kids off the table, taking away pens, pencils, glue, etc. =)
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