* We’re getting up only once at night most of the time.
* Hannah gained 1 lb. 11 oz. in 2.5 weeks.
* She often doesn’t sleep great during the day.
* Feedings still can take a long time (with waking her up, diaper changes, etc.)
* The boys have all had or still have the flu. The two that are getting over it now have a cold.
* Keith is taking time off from one of his jobs right now.
* The last month is kind of a blur.
* We made a few Valentine cookies today (leftover dough in the freezer from Christmas).
* Josiah was an emotional wreck today.
* I wish someone could’ve taken a picture of me and all four kids on one chair tonight, with me nursing Hannah and reading a book to them. I was rather proud of myself.
* Moments like that are not common!
* Dr. Z. made a favorable comment today about my weight/how I look. If you know her, you’ll understand the significance of that!
* I take naps as often as I can. On Sunday, I slept for 1.5 hours! Sweet.
* I’ve read all but one of the Chronicles of Narnia in the last week or two – mostly while nursing.
* That’s all for now!