* We’re getting up only once at night most of the time.
* Hannah gained 1 lb. 11 oz. in 2.5 weeks.
* She often doesn’t sleep great during the day.
* Feedings still can take a long time (with waking her up, diaper changes, etc.)
* The boys have all had or still have the flu. The two that are getting over it now have a cold.
* Keith is taking time off from one of his jobs right now.
* The last month is kind of a blur.
* We made a few Valentine cookies today (leftover dough in the freezer from Christmas).
* Josiah was an emotional wreck today.
* I wish someone could’ve taken a picture of me and all four kids on one chair tonight, with me nursing Hannah and reading a book to them. I was rather proud of myself.
* Moments like that are not common!
* Dr. Z. made a favorable comment today about my weight/how I look. If you know her, you’ll understand the significance of that!
* I take naps as often as I can. On Sunday, I slept for 1.5 hours! Sweet.
* I’ve read all but one of the Chronicles of Narnia in the last week or two – mostly while nursing.
* That’s all for now!
Hey hot mama! Thanks for updating! Great pics. You look fabulous!
Hey Jenni - I agree with Rachel and actually thought that when I stopped in the other week. I thought "Wow!" she looks great!" Then forgot to mention it. I was pulling out of the driveway when I thought (I do more than think sometimes!) "I missed making her day!" Anyway - it can get made a bunch of times now.
Amen to Rachel and Les! You look amazing! While I like all the pics of course, it cracked me up to see Caleb doing a close-up inspection of Hannah's face. Anything in particular he was looking for??
that first picture is just way too adorable!! and she's only waking up once a night (approx!!)....that's really good!! (ok...I know that was extremely easy for me to say since I'm not having to get up with her....ha!). but you know it could be much worse. Thanks for the updates and the pictures....I've been wondering how your little tribe is doing!
Thank you for the pictures, Jenni!! Any tips for me as to how to get my little one to mostly sleep through the night so fast???
Jenni, I love the picture of you with Hannah by your face. You look so young and she looks so adorable. and I like the one in the yellow outfit too. Hmm...I guess you probably don't post pictures for us to 'pick favourites." Oh well, we did anyway! It was so good to see you last week. Can't wait till you all come in here...and you don't even have to leave anyone home! Yay!!!
You'll be interested to know that none of us have that flu from your house. Whew for me.
Hey Jenni, Thanks for the pictures I have been checking your blog lots lately, what a sweetheart. I wonder how much more beautiful you could get if you improve with every baby he,he, God has truely made you beautiful. Bless your husband also for his hard work, can't forget them.
Your little girl is growing up already! She's beautiful! Sorry I won't be able to make your baby shower. Try not to have too much fun without me :)
Yeah, Jenni-you posted again! I was just saying that you must be feeling too overwhelmed to do so, but it's good to hear that you are adjusting well to your added responsibilities.
I can relate to your list! It sounds like you are doing quite well for a mom of 4. Wish I could have taken that picture for you - the one with you and the four together! Hang in there, and I pray you find the energy to do all that must be done while at the same time enjoying these precious minutes...hours...days...years (where does the time go?!)
She is so sweet!
Oh Jenni!! What sweetness! And I'll only add to what everyone else said: You look fantastic! There have been many times I wished someone was there to take a picture too--- mostly during school reading time. Oh well, I guess there are a lot of us mothers who can only "ponder these things in our hearts", eh? Have a wonderful weekend!! *hugs*
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