Keith has been ski-ing home from work some days, and this is the view he gets!

"The girls" on Easter Sunday.
Keith was telling the kids a story as part of his sermon. He almost always does that when he preaches.
Our "Easter Saturday" breakfast: coffee cake, hard-boiled eggs, and hot chocolate.
You're posting more frequently, Jenni=). Your little girl gets cuter all the time. Thanks for keeping us updated...looking forward to seeing you in July!
Hi!! Been here several times and didn't go to the bottom of this post again till today and realized I hadn't ever commented! Oops. so if you were waitin, to up date till you heard from me....well, now you have. =)Just kidding. But hi anyway. =)
So. I'll bet Keith isn't skiing home anymore, eh? I miss hearing from you and your house. Are you ok?
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