Last weekend was our church camp-out. There were quite a few people signed up, and then the forecast looked pretty bad. We headed down the road Friday evening even though it was supposed to rain. We bought chicken and potato wedges before we left and ate them when we got to the camp-ground. Derek and Elise were already there, and two other families/groups in campers. One other family came later. Everyone else chickened out that night. And I couldn’t really blame them. It rained most of the evening, through-out the night and the next morning. We had the fun of setting up camp in the rain. Thankfully, Keith put up a big tarp first, before it started to rain hard. We set up our tent under the tarp and then slid it out so the entrance was just under the tarp.
By Saturday afternoon, the weather cleared up and we had great weather the rest of the time. Tuesday was a holiday (Canada Day) and Keith also had Monday off. Derek’s were staying longer, so we did too. Jeff and Wendy and Dad and Dru came down on Monday. We ended up staying Monday night too. That was where we went wrong. We were getting kinda tired of camping by then and wouldn’t you know, we had a major thunderstorm early Tuesday morning and then had to pack up in the rain. Oh well, the kids had a blast and we had some fun too. I think it was the first time that I really had my fill of camping. Well, except for last summer when I was pregnant. I’ll just say that camping with a baby and a pre-schooler is rather exhausting. Hannah wasn’t the most content, and Josiah loves to run/wander away. But hey, we kept them both alive, so that’s a good thing. Maybe next year camping will be more fun. J

I cannot thank you enough for all the pictures. We were so dissapointed to miss out on all the fun. =( Even if you did have lots of rain. It's the company that counts! I'm proud of Dorothy! You can tell her I said so.
That's what I was going to say too! I can't believe Dorothy stayed all weekend. What a trooper. Your kids look very cute. In case you don't read my comment on Elise's blog, I think Hannah's t-shirt is hilarious!!!
I loved the pictures too! I like it that everyone is smiling despite the rain. Of course, you probably didn't take their pictures when they were frowning.... : )
ditto for what iris said! loved the pictures and i'm glad you posted some of non-family people, too! that was fun.
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