The rest of the trip was interesting. I won't say much about the alternator trouble. Let's just say we had some changes in our plans and a big bill on our Visa! We also spent a night at my Aunt and Uncle's, Ruthie and Dwen, in northern MI. And I forgot to take a picture of them! But it was really nice to be at their place again!
When we got home on Sat. afternoon, all of Keith's siblings were already here. So we jumped directly into a week of G. family partying. What fun. It felt like Christmas without the snow and the other busyness that comes in Dec.

Family portrait. Logan messed up every one on my camera! But Sandra got a good one.

Shania and Hannah

The boys had a total blast playing with Uncle Neal. Josiah was pretty sad to see him go at the end of the week!!

"One, two, three..."
After they all left, we had fun spending time with Matthew, Rhonda and girls. It's so fun to see the cousins all getting to know each other and making good memories with each other. Labour Day weekend we went camping with my family. Well, with those of us who could make it. Unfortunately, Dad and Dru had to work and Mike's had something else going on, I think. And of course, Rachel and Dave are a million miles away. :-( But, we managed to have lots of fun anyway. The weather was beautiful, but windy. We spent a bunch of time at the beach and sitting around the fire. The kids just played and played. It was a reminder too, that camping isn't generally relaxing with little kids. But I'm expecting that each year now, things will get a little easier. Sunday afternoon it was actually warm enough that I went swimming. Darla and Rhonda came in too and our hubbies and a bunch of kids, of course. That was a relaxing afernoon and it was so much fun to just play! (I'm not so good at doing that normally!)

Awww, thanks for all the fun pictures. Wish we could have been camping!
hey! i never commented! thanks for posting all the's still fun to see, even though i was there for some of them. maybe just to see what you saw through your lens? anyway, i like them.
we're off to sam and mattie's today!
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