*I cleaned out the drawer under my phone.
Yay! Now that's something worth shouting about! Dumb thing is, it's not completely done, but it's SO much better that I'm not sure I care. I even found the lab requisition for my blood sugar test I was supposed to do when Hannah was 6 months old. Oops.
* Last weekend my friend, Iris, came to for the weekend. We had fun and stayed up late. She had shopping and stuff to do and couldn't get everything done. She was hoping to update her blog while she was here (since their internet doesn't work), but didn't have time. :-(
* Hannah had roseola last week. I couldn't figure out why she was so cranky when her teeth were already through. Then she got a fever. When that went away, the rash appeared. She's doing much better now. Whew!
* I just ordered Keith's and Caleb's Christmas presents, and paid for one for Dave. :-) I really like shopping on-line!
* I've been trying to buy a Playmobil gas station on ebay for Logan and they keep slipping away from me. Either I don't bid high enough or I forget to bid at the end. I'll keep trying, but I'm ready to pay a wad right now just to Get It Already!
* A friend told me yesterday that her sister and family don't open presents on Christmas. They do that several weeks before Christmas day. Then Christmas is for going to church and doing family things. Isn't that a good idea?? I wonder if we could really pull it off...
* The other night the boys were messing around in bed (when they were supposed to be sleeping!). Josiah hit his nose on the bed and got a doozy of a nose-bleed. Much weeping and wailing followed!
* I damaged and possibly wrecked two good/casual shirts in the last week or so. :-( The first one was my beloved black shirt that Rachel gave me. It was in the dryer with an orange crayon! Aaarrrggghhh!!! Tonight I tried just a little bit to get it out by ironing the orange spots onto another cloth. It looks like it just might work. Any advice?? The second one - my beloved light blue shirt (that Rachel gave me, notice a pattern here?) - was a victim of the above-mentioned nose-bleed. Crud. Blood on a powder blue shirt. I soaked it in cold water right away and then washed it. I didn't dry it. The marks are still there, but not too obvious. Any advice on that one?
* This week is the first in a long time that I feel like the school-work and schedule is mostly under control. Next week doesn't look so promising...
* I'm starting a weekly "lunch bunch" for young (and others like myself) :-) women - mostly from church and some others. It's been fun.
* Next Friday we're heading off to the "small city" for an appointment with the pediatrician for Josiah. We're going to get his "seizures" or whatever it is, checked out. He did it again the other night, but this time he hit the front of his head, not the back. I don't know if it's hitting his head that does it, or holding his breath from crying. Anyway, we'll see what the Dr. says.
* Next week looks a little too busy. :-( I need to decorate the church for Christmas, get ready to lead worship on Sunday, go to a home-school lunch/literary performance shin-dig, and leave first thing Friday morning. Oh, and we're all going and staying overnight with our friend, Debby. So, we won't be back until Sat. Yikes! Why do things always happen all at once like that?
* Tomorrow Keith is taking the afternoon off and he said I can do whatever I want. Sadly, it doesn't look like it will be a relaxed afternoon of scrap-booking. But, I want to take the boys to finish shopping for our Compassion shoeboxes and that will be fun. And I'm helping set up for a baby shower for my nieces which is tomorrow night. Maybe that won't take too long and I'll have time for a cup of coffee and a muffin. I'll take a book along just in case!
* And now it's time for bed!! Toodles!