Shoes! Did I ever mention that I hate buying shoes? So many questions: What, pray tell, is in style right now? Are these cute? Are they for an old lady? Am I an old lady? Will they be comfortable? Should I buy the cheap ones, or the more expensive ones that will last a really long time?? Do I really like these? And the list goes on and on.
When I manage to buy some I like, it's a really big deal! (To me, anyway.) I don't expect everyone else to be as excited as me, but, since I have a blog, I can subject you to my joyful ramblings about my shoes. (It's a free country. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.)
Anyway, I give you exhibit A. I bought these shoes on our trip to Jeff and Wendy's wedding. That was in 1999/2000!! And I've been wearing them ever since. (When you don't like to buy shoes, you can wear the same ones for a very long time!!) But, this fall I started to be embarrassed by their scruffy appearance and maybe even their out-dated style (that part bothers me less.) These shoes, my friends are going in the garbage to make way for...

... these cute little numbers. (Exhibit B) Did I do okay? I'm anything but an authority on the subject, but I think these are kinda stylish. And cute. And leather. And comfortable. And they were on sale. Yay!
Now, a couple questions, since I'm style-challenged. Can I wear these with skirts or pants? Panty-hose or socks? I'm thinking yes, but I'd like some confirmation from someone who knows more than me...

Thanks for sharing my happiness. (I'm assuming something there, eh?) :-)
WOWEE!!!!! You go with your bad self. Very very very cute and very stylish indeed. And I think you can wear them with anything as listed, other than knee socks and short skirts. Or big scrunchy socks or double slouch socks.
the shoes are adorable!! and yep! you can wear them with absolutely anything. you made an excellent choice! :-)
very very cute shoes. if i thought my husband wouldn't care i'd buy a pair myself. :)
I love these shoes! If we lived in the same country I'd ask where you bought them. I could have written this post. I love new shoes, but hardly ever buy them for many of the reasons you mentioned. I'd say you can wear these with anything.
Yup, they're quite cute, but I'm such a fuddy-dud that I'd never buy them myself 'cause I think I'd look ridiculous. But fashionable stuff like that always looks good on other people! I just bought a new pair that looks like Exhibit A - I'm holding onto my old-fashioned stuff as long as I can. : )
hehe. here's the scoop, sabrina. i bought them when i was in minnesota - at k-mart! so maybe you can have some too! :-)
Hi Jenni, I promise I am not stalking you=) It was fun finding your blog and reading up on your family's lives. You have a beautiful family. Are you related to Sandra Graber the one that taught at school too?? I thought that looked like her on one of your pictures. That was interesting seeing her have not seen her in years either. Have a great week.
Just can't help but comment on cute shoes! I, on the other hand, love to shop for shoes...I just don't do it very often. Great choice!!!
hi jessi. yes, i married sandra's brother, keith! glad you found my blog. i looked at yours too, but didn't comment yet.
Stunning! I think you can wear them with anything. However: Who wears hose anymore????
huh. i do, karla. but only when it's winter and i'm wearing a skirt. so not that often. when i was looking for hose at k-mart, i couldn't find them - partly because i'm blind and partly because the section was so small. i guess i'm in the minority. i'm sure you miss them. c'mon. admit it! :-)
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