Tonight, after the day was basically done, I glanced down at my clothes and realized my shirt and pants didn't really match. I remember thinking this morning as I threw on my clothes that I would wear this shirt because it goes with my light blue sweatshirt. And the color of my jeans never once entered my mind. Good thing today wasn't tomorrow, when I'm having three different shindigs here in one day! Am I losin' it, or what? :-)

Oh, shoot, and while I'm here anyway, I'll just give you one little picture of our youngest cutie on Christmas day.
yeah, another country heard from. cute picture. my husband took it. = ) matching clothes is overrated anyway. Now is the time to focus on what's really important... anyhoo... I'll be looking for more pics soon.
Nice to hear from you again, Jenni!
Hannah looks so sweet. We'll be looking forward to that next, longer, post.
Pretty Christmas Baby!
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