Three years ago he was this little precious bundle.

Then he was this cutie pie toddler.

Now he's one of our resident goof-balls.
Josiah's birthday is on New Year's Eve. We managed to have a Mom's and kids birthday party over lunch. I think the kids had a lot of fun. We Mom's did, anyway. :-)

Anne Jisca made maple sugar candy in snow for us. Yummy!!

Everyone say "three"!

Josiah wanted a blue cake. That's all he cared about. Not flavor, not shape. Just blue!

Isn't he cute?!? I'm sure I'm not biased...

I guess that's enough birthday for this year!
Awww, he IS cute! Did I tell you how much he took to Big Josiah over the week-end? He followed him around everywhere at church and everything. Sooo cute! They were Little Josiah and Big Josiah. ;-)
great pics! Yes, Hannah was a great traveler and also a great night screamer! I really liked the cross eyed picture and also the last one of Jo. They were all sweet- cute kids, very cute kids.
hey, i was trying to be positive. she did great with the actual traveling, but you weren't there to witness that. :-)
yes, little joe cracks us up with his crossed eyes! he'd do very well as the classic baby of the family clown.
(relax, i'm not inferring anything at all!)
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