When we came home from Winnipeg, Caleb had lost one tooth. The other one followed a few days later. Keith was having fun teasing him and not telling him who the tooth fairy is - although Caleb really does know, I think.
He has little bit of a "lithp". :-)
hey! you changed your living room furniture around! It looks good! And tell caleb that grahams two top front teeth are both loose too. =)He thought something was wrong and taht I should be taking him to the dentist.=)
oh caitlyn will be jealous!! :) she's only lost the two bottom ones and no more are loose. he's looking cute that way, i'd say!
Hey! Yeah! You have shaken the bedrock of my very belief system. You know I need stability right now! Wait... are those tears? Ohhh my - this is a toughie! I'm so glad I have pictues before I'm there so I can slowly work though the change. Oh, and cute teeth by the way.
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