The Baptist Church has a "Noah's Ark" party on Halloween. The kids are supposed to dress up as a Bible character or animal. So, we had fun with that again this year. I just shifted Caleb and Logan's David and Goliath costumes from last year down to Logan and Josiah. I just had to hem up Josiah's robe 4 inches. :-) I tried and tried to convince Caleb to go as Lazarus, but that was just a bit too "outstanding" for him, I think. So, we settled for King Solomon. (I got a robe from the kid's costumes at the church. I had no time to sew one!!) Anyway, it's a fun and wholesome way to spend my least favorite holiday!!
very creative! remember that i was hanging out with you while you sewed those two last year? while it snowed like CRAZY?? so, i had an idea...in a few years you could have the 12 disciples. (ducking now so you don't hit me...) hee hee.
yeah, and you could have the 10 virgins!!!!! gotcha!
.... and homeschool, and raise goats, and bake bread, and all wear matching denim jumpers with navy dickies, and repopulate the earth and be a lifetime member of the "I'm Bills Little Pal" club! Whooo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!
well, girls, it's, well, um, like this. no i can't!! :D ha ha ha ha. it's all over but the cryin'. so to speak. as it were. and if rachel keeps on talking like that, the cryin' will commence.
great pictures! and what fun memories....well, all of them will be fun memories for them except the putting their hair up in rubberbands!!! poor kids....they will not like that one so much when they get older!!! but you can use it for bribes so I'd keep it if I were you!!!
Jennifer--what is your email address? I cannot seem to get it to go out to you--it keeps coming back at the keithgraber@sympatico.ca
Aunt Ruthie
love ya lots!
Thanks for dinner last night! It was really Yummy, with a capital Y! ...I'm sure Derek would ephasize it even more! Have a good day/weekend!
HEY! I thought you were going to update the other evening - I'm waaaaaaaiting.......
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