1 & 2 - Elise took some "Christmas" pictures for us.
3 - The boys in their "Christmas Duds". Isn't Josiah's vest cute?!? Rachel got it for him at her Special High Class Place for Good Deals! And isn't it cool that the boys' bubble gum matches Caleb's shirt?
4 - The Magic Apple Machine that inspired Keith to do a bunch of work for me. (Available at Lee Valley. Think I could get a commission?)
5 - My new pendant. Ain't it purty??
6 & 7 - The bedroom carpet - before and after. Now I want to figure out a way to make the blue chair turn red. And there will be baseboard before the winter is over - I hope.
8 - Caleb's black eye. It got just a little worse, but didn't last too long.
FABULOUS pictures!!! Thanks for posting!! Loved em all - well, you guys are cuter than the carpet, but...
exactly what rachel said. it's always fun to see what's going on with you.
what adorable children you do have!!! and i think they look a bit mishevious also!! hey...i like the blue chair!!! blue and brown are extremely in ya know!!! I'm serious!! but if you do manage to turn it red...take a picture!!! but I think I'd just tie in the blue with a pillow or two.
yeah, i know i could make it "go"... but i made a baby afghan in brown/tan/red and one day it was sitting on the brown chair in our room and something inside me went ooooooooohhhhh. I like that! red makes me much happier than blue. :-)
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