Where has the time gone?? Josiah is Mr. Talkative these days. He's venturing into 3 - 5 word sentences which never ceases to amaze me when I hear it. I can't remember for sure, but I think he's our best talker so far. He's really a barrel of fun these days. He understands and communicates so much and he's been really happy most of the time. He can be a real tease/show-off. I'm not always sure when we're supposed to laugh. I can hear my Mom's words so clearly regarding my little brother, "Don't laugh at him when he shows off!". But many times he's truly funny and not being naughty.
I still haven't adjusted to the reality of having a birthday to celebrate on New Year's Eve. But we managed. It's a good thing I simplified the cake, though!! (See previous "I'm Free" post). We ended up having a pizza supper with the grandparents, Jeff and Wendy's kids (Jeff's were off celebrating their anniversary) and Derek, Elise, and Scotty.
Josiah was quite impressed with the Happy Birthday song as you can see in the second picture. It was a fun evening. And after the kids were in bed, Keith and I watched "The Nativity Story" and went to bed around 12:30.
that kid just gets cuter and cuter! i can tell you that having a bday to celebrate so soon after Christmas is a little hectic, but what can you do? anywhoo, thanks for posting the pictures. will be fun to get to know him when we come!
what cute pictures...AGAIN!! I love all your pictures!!! maybe someday I'll get good enough to post pictures!! We just threw a 16th birthday party for Steven last night!!! Now if that doesn't make one feel old, I'm not sure what does!!! It was a total blast tho...so fun getting to know his friends!!
Look at poor Josiah, all broken up about not getting the same cake his brothers had for their second birthday! (sorry - I always thought that was werid. = ) But not you, you're not weird, well, only the fun, normal amount. Sorry for my lack of commenting lately. You look great in that last picture! Can't wait to meet Hazel or Hermetta or Herman or what have you. I can't remember what else I was going to comment on. I miss you lots. So good to hang out with you again. It just wasn't long enough! sob.
He's a cutie alright. It looks like he's about to burn his little nose in the cake picture!
Yes, Jenni, he IS cute. And Evan really liked the cake. He said, "Who's dog is that?" My mom used to make all our cakes like that...she never had any fancy pans or decorater tips and all that. And we LOVED our cakes!!!
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