Monday, January 26, 2009


The caption of the middle picture above should be, "Hey, I found my barrette and I'm taking it out right now!  HAHA!"

My friend, AnneJisca, is wanting to get into photography as a business.  She came over on Sat. and practiced on Hannah.  We couldn't do Josiah's 3-year pic, because he was at Grandma's for the day.  But we're going to do that in a few weeks.  It went quite well and I thought they turned out great for being done on the dining room table!  I made these collages on Picasa (oh what fun!!  I thought posting them was a lot easier and faster than deciding which ones to post individually!

In other exciting news, I have two heaping baskets of wet laundry to hang up downstairs and a bunch of burger thawing to make meatloaf.  Today was a rather excruciating day of schooling and parenting and I have a headache.  I need to go to bed early tonight!!  I hope that doesn't sound whiny.  It's just the way things are today.  

For you home-schoolers out there, I've been reading a great blog called "Grueling Homeschooling".  Doesn't the title just make you love it already?  If you read it, be sure to read the very first post.  I don't know how to make fancy links on here, but here's the address:  I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Monday...


Anonymous said...

Oh! I love that top collage! Could you email that one to me?? Good job! =)

rachelslab said...

Ohhhhh! What an adorable niece you have produced. LOVE the pictures.

Rhonda said...

very, very cute! and when i clicked on the second collage, i saw that she's wearing sierra's dress. :) so now that one's my favourite. :D thanks for sharing!

my word verification is "heith". i guess they can't pronounce keith.

Jenni said...

huh. i wondered where that dress came from. :-) i thought maybe the khaki jumper was yours as well. i don't know where i got the pink one.

Robyn said...


Anonymous said...

VERY CUTE. and I will definetly be checking out that homeschool blog.