Sunday, August 13, 2006


Keith just got back last night from the Leadership Summit in Winnipeg. Whew! We survived three days without him! We went blueberry picking one day (and Logan stayed with Grandma Graber), had a hot dog roast with Dad and Dru one night, and bought supper at Chips and More one night and took it over to Rita's house to eat with her (that was after our long day of picking berries). Then yesterday morning as I was thinking about my garden produce that needed to be put in the freezer, and the filthy, messy state of my house, I had a blinding revelation: I could hire help!! So I found two young girls (Erin and Elena for those of you who know them) who were having a lazy Saturday and asked them to come over. They were here for almost 3 hours. Elena played witht the boys and helped them clean up their room and the basement. Erin and I got the zuchini in the freezer and cleaned like crazy. Wow, did we ever get a lot done! It feels so good to have a more organized and cleaner house!

Tomorrow is Logan's birthday. I have this little obsessive compulsive thing I do where Logan has the same kind of cake that Caleb had on that birthday. I'm starting to see that it's a bad idea, because Caleb always gets to pick his cake and then Logan just has to take what I give him. Up until now it hasn't been a problem. But when Caleb turned four, he knew his numbers - and even some addition. So, when he saw pictures of his cousins' cakes that were shaped like a 7 and a 9, he thought that was neat. So he had a "4" cake for his birthday. Now Logan comes along and he doesn't know a 4 from a 2 from a z! :-) So, I had to do some convincing and explaining to get him to agree to a "4". He did agree. Then this morning after church I saw him talking to Mary Lescheid. Later she came and told me that Logan invited her to his birthday party. He told her, "It's okay, we'll have enough. We're having four cakes!" He just doesn't get it! Hopefully we'll have a fun birthday party anyway.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Happy Birthday to Logan!! Hope it was a fun one - we'd love to see pictures.