Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cleaning Up The Pigpen

Tonight the house was, in Logan's words, "a pig-pen."  I had let everything go today, and we had a photo shoot in the dining room, compliments of our friend, AnneJisca.  So, yes, it was a pig-pen - toys, clothes, whatever, strewn everywhere.  So, just before bed-time, we told the boys we were having a "15 minute clean-up".  Or did we say 5 minutes??  Anyway, I had a little brain wave that actually worked really well this time.  I told the boys to count the things they put away - in the proper place.  I told them they could count every toy, sock, etc.  They seemed enthusiastic and we all dove in.  In about 15 or 20 minutes, Keith, Caleb, Logan and I put away approximately 500 items!!!  Now, probably 100 or more of those were legos, but still, I thought it was quite an impressive number.  And the difference it made was amazing.  I didn't offer any reward for the most items (Caleb would always win a contest like that!) or any money.  I momentarily considered a penny per item, but decided against it.  For this time anyway, the thrill of counting was enough.  Until they were in bed, then Logan said he wished they could have a reward.  So we got to have a smallish lesson on the reward of a clean house, etc. :-)  Anyway, there's my happy little story for the day.  Let me know if you try it and how many things you put away.


rachelslab said...

Way to go! I'm sure we could probably beat your 500 at this point, but we probably won't, so congratulations!

Rhonda said...

good idea! we usually do something like, "C, pick up 35 things, A and S, pick up 25 things, L, pick up 15 things." but your way gets a lot more done. :)

(L always says, "how many hands is 15?" :)

Rhonda said...

also, do we get to see the pictures from the photo shoot?