So, for now, we stayed close to home. On our anniversary I made a special supper. I was planning for it to be really nice and then in the afternoon, I realized that Caleb’s cast was really moving – or rather, his arm was bending a lot – so I had to quickly take him in for a new cast. I thought that might trash my plans for a nice supper, but we managed. (Keith helped). At least we ate on china and had chocolate cake!
The next day, we had a really nice treat. My Dad gave us a coupon he had for one night at the executive suite at a local motel. (Dad had worked there last year.) The room was recently remodeled and was really nice. Glenda came about 2:30 to stay with the boys (Hannah went with us), and then Dad and Dru came a little while later and stayed overnight with them.

The only drawback was that it was on a Sat. night, so we couldn’t really sleep in. We had to get moving in order to make it to church on time, but it was still really nice and relaxing. A really nice little break from “normal” life!
Oh, and we got each other gifts. This is what I got:
I’m not so swift in the gift-giving department lately! But, it is a pretty funny shirt.
Anyway, I’m thankful for my dear husband, and all the good memories of the last 10 years. It was good to celebrate together!
i've been wondering if you would remember to blog about your anniversary! thanks!
beautiful necklace! and that is a lovely room for our 'umble hometown. :)
congratulations again! i suggest an alaskan cruise for our 15ths. :)
now you're talkin'!! i bet i could even talk keith into that!
I've seen lots of pics of kids in the tub with all their clothes on but never a mom. You just thought it looked too fun and had to try it?
Congradulations on 10 years together! It doesn't seem that long ago that we came to your wedding! Glad you got to do something special for your anniversary!
Beautiful roses! nice necklace! And shirt!
Congratulations on 10 years! if you liked National Treasure 1 check out the 2nd one...its good too...but I personally liked the first one better...Shannon also broke his arm in the growth plate section they said that by 16 they could tell if it was needing to be helped far tho it seems fine. He kept playing sports tho WITHOUT our permission and the weekly xrays were different every week til we caught on to what was happening..silly kid...and KEEP are a good writer!
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