Rachel came to see me when I was in Russia. It was so much fun to show her where I was and what I was doing!!

Of course, when I got married, she was my Maid of Honor. Made her so nervous she almost tossed her cookies! :-)

Rachel has always been a very good Auntie and my kids love her! This is her with Caleb.

Did I mention her brains? Here she is, making us all proud as the first one in the family to earn a bachelor's degree - and with "something cum laude". (Sorry, Rachel, I can't remember exactly which one.) Anyway, she did really well and I'm so proud of her.

And now, there's Dave. I have to share her with him now, but I'm so happy that she has someone to share her life with!
I admire many things about you, Rachel: your quirky sense of humor, your ability to write, your passion for justice, your brains, your love for kids (mine especially!), your creativity, to name a few! You are one of my favorite people in the world to be with! You can make me laugh like crazy.
There are so many memories, good ones and hard times, and it’s so good to know that a sister is forever. Rachel, you are my very dear, sweet friend and I love you very much!
Happy 30th Birthday!!!
That was a lot of good reading, Jenni. Thanks for letting us remember some of Rachel's bygone years (looks
ummmm... I'm speechless. Sisters really are the best. well, mine anyway... haha. I know some that I could definitely live without. Thanks!
Amen to Rita, thanks for the blog, I was going to remember and call her I guess I can a day late eh?
so sweet. :)
Aww, Jenni. You're making me all teary-eyed! Yeah, she's a dear.
awee jenni you make me cry! there's nothing like having a sister.
Oh, and can I just say, jumping in that pool with all my clothes on was one of the most fabulous moments of my life!! = ) You should all try it some time - I had a flannel shirt on and this demin jumper which weighed at least 20 pounds. It was so cool! And socks and the whole 9 yards. I can still remember like it was yesterday Jenni saying... you're serious?? You're really going to do it? Well wait then so I can get my camera. ahhh the good old days. Such a distance memory. And now all we do is glance back with our failing sight and cast a whistful sniffle to young and spry... oh dear... I better go...
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