Olivia and Evan enjoying Hannah.
My sleepy-head with his morning watermelon.
Ready to get the cast off! (He wasn't so happy when they yanked the pins out. Several days later I still wanted to punch the Dr. in the nose!)
Logan, the drama king!

Yes, it's been ten years!! More details on that celebration later...
YES!! I read your blog all the time. In fact, your blog was one of many subjects of conversation at our Mother's Day get together. My Dad asked if I had read your blog yet. Something about chapstick and a cat . . .
Don't worry he didn't discuss the details at the table. So they read it, too!
not only do i read it, i check in daily to see if you've had time to post! :) so this was a welcome sight.
i am so mortified, embarrassed and irritated with myself that i forgot to send you a e-mail on your anniversary! sorry! hope you managed to have a nice time even without our felicitations.
ok.....maybe I shouldn't have coffee in my mouth when I read your blogs....I almost lost it when I read how you wanted to punch the doctor!!! I can just picture that one!!! love reading your blogs, but can't give you a bad time about it, cause I never update mine either!!! life is so crazy that there just isn't time for everything.
Stopping by to say I read your blog and I've even checked it a few times since the last post! :-) Keep posting, I'm here for ya.
Oh yesseriee, I read your blog! And I check very often! Hope that encourages you in the right direction....closer to the computer. =) I should get some of those pictures from you from our visit there. Since Arthur had our camera. Good times. Good friends. Good memories.
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