We’ve gone through many stages in life. When she was born and I was 10, she was a novelty – a novelty who threw up all the time. :-) I think I was scared to hold her because of it. I remember when she was around two, or even younger, I decided it would be fun to have her sleep with me (it turned out to not be all fun, since she wasn't completely potty-trained!) About 6 years later, I was ready to do anything to have my own room! At that time it meant moving upstairs to an unfinished bedroom with orange tarps and pink insulation for walls. Anything to have my own space away from that little sister!
But the older Rachel got, the more we connected and became best friends. I remember when she was so excited to wear my cast-off clothing – even when it was still too big for her. Then came the time when I accepted her old clothes. And now I get her to shop for me and get her opinions on clothes because she’s way more hip than me!
Here are some pictures in honor of my dear sis, and her "big" birthday today.
Three years old. Isn't she cute??
I think she's five on this picture. When she was about twelve, we spent Christmas at the Holiday Inn in Goshen with some family. I told Rachel I'd give her five dollars if she jumped in the pool with her clothes on. Of course, she did it!
Thirteen years old!! With her friends, and Murphy, the dog.
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